In junior high, I was deeply, passionately in love with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Not top-dog Napoleon Solo (played by Robert Vaughn), but his sidekick Ilya Kuryakin (played by David McCallum). I scrawled Ilya in the margins of my textbooks. I praticed writing Mrs. Ilya Kuryakin on page after filler-paper page in every imaginable variation of penmanship. So imagine my delight when I popped open the DeriDolls blog this morning and found my true love immortalized in felt soft sculpture. See more shots–and more David dolls in more outfits–at Deri’s post.
I, too, had a thing for Ilya.
Me too!I had U.N.C.L.E cards too.
It’s fun to see him on NCIS now.
YES, yes, yes!!!!!!!
Oh girls, we’re showing our age. Sign me up for the fan club too! He’s still just as gorgeous!
umm..Iam curious, is this a movie or a sitcom? A romance, a thriller ?
The ONLY Blonde (until John Bon Jovi) that I ever had a crush on! And yes, we are showing our age 😉