You’re going to like Better Homes and Gardens Applique Class. Its instructional approach is traditional: The front of the book provides detailed instructions; the back of the book is full of projects. So what makes it different from every other applique book? The instructions are modern, incorporating lots of photos like an online tutorial. Projects are grouped by difficulty level: easy, intermediate, and advanced. The templates don’t have to be traced or copied; they’re provided full size in a pocket attached to the inside front cover. Inside the hardcover, the book is wire bound, which means it can lie open and flat while you’re working. The projects, while highly specific, are gorgeous and trendy–things you’ll actually want to make. Explanations help you understand how to adapt any applique method to a specific project, so you can make any pattern work with your favorite method. And this book is eye candy! Outstanding, colorful projects are photographed perfectly to help you appreciate the details and get your mojo going.
The book, published by Wiley, retails for US$24.99. ISBN 978-0-470-88719-6.
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I love the look an applique gives projects. It is fresh, modern and retro at the same time. This book will be a valuable resource for learning the technique and the projects will be great practice.
I have recently become very interested in learning how to do appliques. This sounds like an awsome book.