Annet of Fat-Quarter crocheted this strangely beautiful doily. What is that unusual fiber? Old music tapes! So I’m wondering…is there a way to embroider with old tapes? And do I still have racks of them somewhere in my garage? Enjoy Annet’s blog.
Art, patterns and techniques
Annet of Fat-Quarter crocheted this strangely beautiful doily. What is that unusual fiber? Old music tapes! So I’m wondering…is there a way to embroider with old tapes? And do I still have racks of them somewhere in my garage? Enjoy Annet’s blog.
Vintage French Needlework: 300 Authentic Cross-Stitch Patterns—Flowers, Borders, and Alphabets from Antique Textiles” by Véronique Maillard is a comprehensive collection that delves into the rich tradition of French embroidery from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Maillard, an embroidery … Read More ...
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