Some flowers are harder to find embroidery patterns for than others. For some reason, the humble marigold is one of them. That is why I knew I had to bring it to you when I saw it.
Known as a french (or common) marigold, these flowers are found in every shade of yellow, orange, and rust. They never stop producing blossoms well in to the fall months, until the first freeze. Even when everything else in the garden has stopped blooming, chances are pretty good that you’ll still have some marigolds.
Not only do marigolds look beautiful in the garden, they help it too. Because of their strong scent, marigolds repel certain garden pests. In addition, the flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. They are easy to grow and maintain, making them a . They may not smell great, but marigolds are an important part of a garden.
Fun fact for all of us crafters, you can use the flower blossoms to make a natural dye.
This free marigold flower hand embroidery pattern from Stitchdoodles is easy to follow. The author gives detailed instructions, including a list of all of the supplies you will need. She even gives you suggestions for displaying it.
The flower measures approximately 3″ in diameter and uses two embroidery floss colors. There is some simple tracing required, but other than that it is quite straightforward. Everything you need to know about this free pattern can be found here.
This embroidered marigold blossom looks lovely all on its own, or it could easily be included in an embroidered bouquet of summer flowers.
[ Photo from Stitchdoodles]
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