Did you see the movie Being John Malkovich? The premise is that there’s a secret doorway on an odd half-floor of an office building. And if you pass through this doorway, you end up in the mind of actor John Malkovich, looking through his eyes and experiencing his life.
The blogs Spirit Cloth and what if offer us a similar experience of being Jude Hill – looking at textile art through the filter of Jude’s brain and the eye of her camera. Jude works with traditional needle-art tools in often untraditional ways to produce works of great originality and beauty. Her what-if experiments (recorded on the blog since March 2007) now number 104. And I have a feeling that only a fraction of Jude’s what-if thoughts are captured there. Her process is at least as fascinating as her products. This is what it’s like to be an artist. Go see for yourself. It’s impossible to follow along without learning something. I’m so grateful that Jude Hill shares her talent with us on line.
hey, thank you so much for such a kind review!