This so rocks! Gina E. has a blog called Patra’s Peacock Collection, which is a veritable online museum of peacock needlework. The collection is especially heartwarming for me. My mother’s grandmother taught her to embroider, and her first piece was a pillowcase adorned with a beautifully colorful peacock. My mom has always said that first piece was her best piece ever because her grandmother made her rip out even the tiniest flaws. Whether or not you have your own nostalic peacock story, you’ll enjoy Gina’s peacock catalog. Go see her blog.
Many thanks to Lakshmi of Hand Embroidery from Sadalas for point out this site.
I was so surprised when a Blogger friend alerted me to this item on your website! Thank you very much for your complimentary remarks on my Peacock blog – I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’d love to see that pillowcase embroidered by your mother; I can just imagine how beautifully stitched it would be. My mother-in-law was taught to sew by her grandmother, and says the same thing – if she didn’t do it right the first time, it had to be unpicked and done again.
If your readers have been to my peacock blog, they may have already noticed that I have two other blogs about my needlework collection; one on aprons, and the other on everything else in my collection!