We’re not always going to agree. That’s a good thing.
I learn so much from your comments and e-mails, especially when you’re disagreeing with my point of view. Your take on an issue, large or small, makes me think about my own position. Is my rationale reasonable? Is it time to adjust my thinking? Could I have communicated my point more clearly or respectfully? Was I fair?
In the past couple of weeks, though, I’ve received an unusually large number of comments and emails with hurtful language aimed at me or the artist being featured in my post. Often, these remarks literally begin with the words, “You should be ashamed of yourself,” or “Shame on you.”
Up to now, I’ve responded to all of these criticisms by focusing on the point the writer was trying to make rather than the hostile language in which it was presented, explaining the reason for my editorial decision and apologizing when I’ve felt it was merited. As of today, I’m changing that policy. I will continue to welcome all criticisms and differing points of view that are expressed respectfully, and I will respond to them in the same spirit. Hostile, shaming, or otherwise disrespectful remarks aimed at me or the artists featured in this blog will be deleted without a response, even if the essential point you’re making is worthwhile.
I want this blog to be a conversation. Let’s make it a kind and civil one.
Love always,
Well, I just shared one of your Facebook posts with a friend of mine who uses driftwood and recycled wood in lots of her artwork.
Almost every day, I see at least one thing from Craft Gossip that I enjoy. Of course there are items that relate to crafts I don’t do (like needlework), but so much more that is inspiring (even the needlework!).
There is another blog I subscribe to that posts on FB every time someone comments to a blog post. It’s incredibly annoying. But I stay subscribed because I enjoy the blog. And sometimes those comments bring me back to something I missed. So even something annoying can have merit.
I’m sorry you are getting grief. Sometimes people need to back away from the computer and put their energy into creating.
Keep up the good work !
I love these posts popping up on my facebook wall. It showcases ideas or crafts I’d never have found before.
Shame on the moaners!
Good for you. Life is too short to feed the trolls. I think that is exactly the way to handle it.
Good for you for taking a stand!
We don’t all like the same things and we don’t all agree, but everyone is entitled to express their views. The important thing is that they do it with the same respect and courtesy to others that they themselves are getting – there is no excuse to descend into name-calling.
You’re doing a great job and find lots of interesting and exciting things to post about every day – don’t let a few mean spirited people get you down.
Brava! I am inspired by and share items from this blog almost every day. You are doing a fabulous job! If people have not the courtesy to address you respectfully, do not waste your time and positive energy on them! The rest of us would much rather see you put that energy into sharing the awesome creativity with us. <3
good for you! I don’t think I’ve ever even seen anything on craftgossip that would equal a shame on you message! and I LOVE this site and have been following it for ages now!
My dad always says you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Too bad people don’t remember this when posting comments.
Keep up the great work!
Umm… how can craft be that controversial?
Yes… I think adults need to leart to disagree in a civil manner. What is wrong with this world when adults cannot do that? What are we teaching our kids? Honestly. I understand passionate people but we can do better 🙂 <— this is coming from one of the most passionate people in the world who in the past has regretted a lot of things she has said when voicing strong opinions — it's taken me a while to learn… Hoping I can continue to learn from mistakes in the future. But I do feel passionately abotu disagreeing in a nice way – even if I forget sometimes. (luckily I'm not one of the people you are talking about *whew*)
I’ve just had to delete some comments that were really hostile to the hostile people. I appreciate the enthusiastic support, but c’mon, y’all. Be nice.
Wow, really? I’m a bit shocked. We all have different tastes, likes and dislikes. Some of the items on Craft Gossip don’t really interest me, but they interest other people and certainly don’t deserve critiscm! And there are a lot of the posts that I do enjoy (particularly the needlework) so it would be unreasonable to expect to be wowwed and amazed by every single post!
I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and I really don’t understand how any of your content negative responses. I think angry people just look for something to get angry about. So keep doing what you are doing 🙂
Wow! What a great way to handle a nasty situation. Very “grown up” 🙂
People need to stop and think “would I say this to the person face-to-face in front of a large crowd”? With computers, everything has become so impersonal.
Again, good for you for taking the high-road. Oh, and I think it’s pretty funny that you had to delete some of the hostile comments that were hostile to the hostile folks! 🙂
~ Caren of http://www.MyScrapbookStudio.net
Absolutely with you on this one Denise. I also delete them, and immediately forget about them! I do wonder, though, why anyone wuold bother to say something nasty in the first place. If you don’t like it, don’t read it!
I’m really sorry to hear about this. I’ve enjoyed your site so much. I really don’t understand people who feel a need to criticize deconstructively. Well, I do have opinions about them but that’s neither here nor there. Rest assured that tons of us love the content and eagerly read each entry – even if we have to wait a week or so to have the time.
I’m *shocked* that people would actually leave in “black and white” nasty comments about crafts!
I thoroughly enjoy your FB posts and have received MANY ideas from all the craft ideas that have been posted.
I believe if you don’t like it… just move on and wait until something comes along that you do like… patience is a virtue.
I’m sorry you’re receiving grief.
I agree… delete them!
What ever happened to, “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”?
I hope your day is full of blessings, hugs, and love.
This seems to be a topic cropping up more and more on the blogosphere and it truly saddens me. We are adults and surely we can muster more than a modicum of civility when expressing our opinions.
I tip my hat to you for taking a stand and assure you that those of us who appreciate your blog far outnumber those who lack common courtesy.
It appears to me that people fine the internet a safe place to anonymously let their ugly out. It’s become an awful practice and it really sickens me that someone is using such a fabulous site as yours to do such a thing. Thank you, for both addressing the issue and continuing with your excellent blog which has turned me on to so many new and different ways to craft.
Thank you for posting all of the inspiring and creative ideas that you do everyday. This must be a lot of work for you, and I appreciate the time and effort that you put into it. I can’t imagine how ANYTHING that I have read from this website could offend anyone, and I’m sorry that you have to deal with these inappropriate emails. Thanks again!
That’s horrible to hear, sometimes I just wonder where manners have gone on the internet. I adore your blog!
I, too, love your blog! You are very diverse and fair in what you share, and I love that…exposure to things I might never stumble upon myself! Thank you again for what you do 🙂
Thanks for the level headed response to those who, for whatever reason, can’t seem to control themselves.
Denise, I am proud of you for the way you are going to handle the uncivil comments.
YOU GO GIRL! angry internet people are a bumout. your work is a positive, happy and lightening influence on others’ days and they should only return the favor.
ps. *hug*
I support your new policy … whole heartedly !
I just would like to add an additional thought:
if I would walk away from a stranger shouting rudely in public, why would I “listen” to something similar on the web ?
To me, it’s not only “the thought that counts”… it’s also how it’s presented. A lovely gift is so much better to receive if it’s handed to me rather than angrily thrown across the room at my head !
I have never commented on here….but I faithfull read and LOVE everything.
I really don’t see why anyone would say “shame on you”…it’s a freaking CRAFT blog…not religious jihad or sex shiz.
Seriously, some people need to get a life!!!!
You are being the bigger person by just ignoring and deleting those!
Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Well put! (I’m clapping, too.)
I look forward to your posts – I am so thankful for them because you present such a variety of needlework types from classic to totally cool, from cute to cussin’. Keep up the good work.
Jeez louise, what have you ever posted that would make someone respond with “Shame on you”?! I don’t get that at all. I think whoever is leaving you comments like this needs to put down the crack pipe because they are obviously reading another blog.
Hear, hear Denise!!
Well said. It’s too bad that some have to spoil the fun sometimes. Why don’t they just not read what apparantly bothers them? I personally love this site!! Glad you’re not going to let some bad apples ruin it for you (and us).
I’m so sorry that people feel the need to be negative & disparaging. If they don’t like something, they need to shut the computer and move on. I enjoy looking at all of the projects on CraftGossip and other blogs because it expands my points of view and pushes me to try something new or think about things in another way. Life is too short to be negative and hurtful to others!
I love Craft Gossip! There are so many creative ideas. My main interest is in Counted Cross-Stitch, but I am also interested in simple ideas to use with my grandchildren.
Good for you! No need to take on the role of somebody’s punching bag. It’s appalling what people will say under the cover of anonymity.
I’m so sorry you’ve received such nasty comments. I don’t understand it at all. You do terrific work here, sharing an amazing treasure trove of crafts and ideas. I don’t know how you find the time to fill the page each day. You’re doing us all a tremendous favor and I appreciate it. Not every idea or craft is for me but they’re still interesting to see. As the head honcho here, you make the rules. And there’s no rule that says you have to take rudeness in stride.
Buenos dias Denise,
Que triste que existan personas asi.Si a alguna persona no le gusta algo que Usted con tanto cariño comparte, pues que no diga nada.No se justifica por ningun motivo ofender.
Usted a hecho una excelente decision.
Por mi parte yo le estoy muy agradecida por tantas cosas lindas y maravillosas que nos da dia a dia y que Dios la bendiga.
Muchos besos y gran abrazo con todo mi cariño desde Lima-Peru.
Traduccion al ingles por Mr. Google
Good morning Denise,
How sad that there are people asi.Si someone does not like something that you so lovingly shared, then do not say nada.No is justified for any reason offend.
You made an excellent decision.
For my part I am very grateful for the many beautiful and wonderful things that gives us day to day and God bless.
Many kisses and big hug with all my love from Lima-Peru.
Denise, I love Craft Gossip! I had no idea some people were harassing you like this. I look forward to reading your email each and every morning, never disapointed! I have made so many great and creative things from you!! It is just my favorte place to be! So, I hope the flip side of those of us who totally love what you do, helps you realize these people are not worth your time. Just delete them. Negativity will just drain you. Remember there are so many of us who look forward daily,to what you have found for us and love you for it! Great job each and every day. Feel the love! You are very gracious in how you adress these people,more than they deserve. Sincerely,Bonnie Nyquist [email protected]
I find it very hard to believe, that people get so irate over crafts, fair enough I don’t like all the crafts posted and nor should I, we are all individuals, but to be abusive is wrong. I love receiving your emails and they have inspired me to do so many things that I wouldn’t even have considered! well done for all the hard work you do, and your adult response to people who are hurtful and rude. I do hope that the very, very small minority don’t ruin it for everyone else, so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!
You have a great blog. There is always a positive feel to it and it’s so interesting to see what you are going to line up and send each day. Sometimes I don’t open it up for a day or two because I know I am going to be clicking around for a WHILE and I don’t have the time right then, but it keeps nicely in my inbox for me.
I don’t know you, but you must be a pretty neat person to put this together for us. Keep it coming, exactly as it is, because I (and a zillion others!) love it!
I never miss a Craft Gossip post. First I scroll through it and there is hardly ever a time that I don’t at least find one article that interests me. Most of the times it is more than one and I have found many wonderful blogs through your choices. I am constantly pinning what I find here. You have a huge audience to please and you’re doing a great job. Blessings.
Thank you so much for your support. At least 95% of the communication I get from readers is positive and upbeat or gently disagreeing, which is awesome. I just got to thinking…what did I do with my kids the 5% of the time they were disrespectful? I refused to respond until they spoke to me appropriately. If it works with kids, why not here? 🙂
I can’t believe that artsy fartsy people who love to create can be that nasty!! I guess it contributes to my theory of the downfall of civilization (trying to be funny but, unfortunately, it seems to be true). I’m so sorry that your creative efforts, Denise, are tainted with idiots and I applaud how you’re handling it. Take heart and don’t let the turkeys get you down. (No insult intended to turkeys.) 🙂
I am sorry to hear that any one reading this would respond in a mean and nasty tone. I read this site almost every day. Sometimes there are things I can use or things that inspire in one way or another. But it is always interesting. Keep up the great work.
I love, love, love your Web site and daily newsletters! I share stuff I see here on a daily basis, sometimes several throughout the day. Thank you for all of the time and effort that goes into keeping up with the myriad of crafters in this big world. I know it’s difficult to ignore the trolls, but ya gotta. Concentrate on the positive fans of yours, kiddo, because there are a lot of us out here. Keep on keepin’ on, or should I say, keep on craftin’ on!
Behind you 100%. You go, Girl!
Unfortunately, the anonymity of the internet seems to have unleashed people who feel that it is ok to be mean-spirited in making comments. The best response is to delete their comment & ignore those who seem to lack the ability to disagree civilly.
Sometimes I think people forget that you’re a person too. I’ve been away most of the Summer but, thank to you and your blog, I am getting caught up on all that’s worth knowing in the world of needlework while I’ve been away.
I can’t thank you enough for this service and your joy in sharing the art and artists with all of us. I’m SO glad you spoke up!!! Bravo!