I love it when my faves collide! Shirley of Hudson’s Holidays embellished her pin cushion with an embroidery design by Mollie of Wild Olive. I think you’ll agree the results are awesome. See more at Shirley’s blog post.
Looking for more pin cushion patterns? Check out these quilting patterns on Etsy.
Looking for more Pincushion patterns? Check out this fun sewing book for making pincushions.
Sewing Pincushions are also called Emery Bag as they contain Emery powder and oxide iron that removes rust from pins and needles. Emery pinch cushions can be bought here.
THANK YOU so much for all that you do!!! Your site is so informative and I am VERY GRATEFUL that you feature my freebies and more!
Shirley Hudson
Hudson’s Holidays
No, thank YOU, Shirley for sharing your talent and creativity with all of us!