Remember my complaint about dozens of blog feeds inexplicably disappearing from my reader? They suddenly reappeared this morning! And I have so much to catch up on. Here are some of the groovy posts that I’m just now discovering.
Looking for more Halloween Embroidery Patterns? Check these out on Etsy.(1) Check out Mimi Kirchner‘s adorable party girls.
(2) Pamela Baker blogged on Sara’s Texture Crafts about using YouTube videos to promote your Etsy shop.
(3) Anne S has added several new tutes to Focus on Finishing.
(4) Andy posted free instructions for embroidered fabric trick-or-treat bags on
(5) Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts shared a link to a tutorial on Life’s a Quilt that simplifies the construction of flying geese blocks.
(6) Rhonda Kivett is offering a couple of new forms for beaded dolls through her website.
(7) NyteRayn of elemental blog gave us the heads-up on a new Moda product, Turnovers. (Gotta have some of those!)
(8) Pat Winter of invited us to submit fiber art to the Reader’s Showcase. (A prize is involved.)
(9) Connie G. Thomas of shared tips for using unusual objects as cross-stitching tools.
(10) Jane Eborall showed off some amazing tatted jewelry.
And that’s just some of the stuff I missed in September! Who knows what else I’m going to find!
you are a winner in True-up goveaway, Denise!
🙁 giveaway…
hurray for Jane! I love her fabulous tatted goodness!!!