Mimi Kirchner‘s tattooed-lady dolls make me happy for so many reasons. The workmanship is divine, of course. Only Mimi would look at toile and think “tattoo!” Only Mimi creates hair in just her way–fabric not yarn, dimensional not flat applique, prints that suggest hairy colors and textures. Only Mimi would apply their little breasts separately so they are subtly but perfectly defined. All these things make the ladies excellent additions to any art doll collection.
But Mimi’s dolls aren’t just for collectors. They’re sturdy, huggable little folk that fit right into a wee one’s arms. And the figures of these ladies–modest-busted, curvy-hipped–look like real women. Worthy of young ones’ emulation. (Though it might be wise to hide the Sharpies to avoid having a temporarily tattooed child!)
I recently retired, after working for over 50 years of my life and finally I have found my true “calling”. I have to have some of these dolls and kitties or(dogs).
I just love these dolls! Sooo stylish but simple, and simple is a good thing! :0)
I would be interested in talking to you about ordering one or two of the dolls. How can I reach you? I live in Illinois.
Patricia, CraftGossip just reported on Mimi’s lovely creations. Follow the link to Mimi’s blog, where you’ll find information about contacting her directly.
Best wishes,