I want to follow your needlework blog. In fact, I may already have your blog in my reader — as of today, I’m following 885. My reader is stuffed! To keep it performing well, all blogs that have been inactive for 60 days are deleted. If you take a blogging break and then return to regular posting, please let me know so I can re-add you. If you’d like me to follow you and you don’t know whether you’re in my reader, send me a link to your blog. I don’t want to miss your great ideas and projects. You can always reach me at needlework[at]craftgossip[dot]com. — Denise
Hi there. I recently updated the list of followers that I had. Some went totally off while others had changed to a different blog. It didn’t take long but then again, I only have a cap of 300 followers. I had found other blogs that I wanted to follow and that’s the reason I went through the list to cull inactive blogs.
885 blogs???? Oh my, you really are Super Woman : ) I love Craft Gossip & look forward to your posts every day.