When Andrea Zuill (Badbird) puts together a stitching competition, you know you want to be there. And that’s what’s happening. Create a work from one of Andrea’s free embroidery designs and upload it to flickr in one of the contest’s four categories: hand embroidery; hand stitched fabric/fiber and mix media; machine stitching and quilting; or nontraditional materials. Besides all the fun you’ll have, you’ll stand to win patterns and prints from Andrea’s Etsy stores. Go to the Badbird’s blog post for all the details. The entry deadline is September 30.
Well I participated in this competition, but my entries were never counted. Neither were some works of other contestants. Just check the comments in her blog: http://zuill.us/andreablog/2010/10/04/stitched-by-hand-competition/
Tried to contact Andrea – but my comment is still “awaiting moderation” in her blog. 🙁
Nina, is your entry live in the flickr pool? I’m having trouble finding it…
Hi Denise,
Yep, this is my entry: http://www.flickr.com/photos/eyeoftherabbit/5019949808/in/pool-727140@N22/
It is added to “Stitched by hand” pool, and marked “Competition”, as Andrea required.
One of the other contestants’ work, that was not included either: http://www.flickr.com/photos/theflossbox/5015256412/ (this work is simply breath-taking, so I think it is absolutely unfair, that it was not included).
Nina, I dropped Andrea a note. She totally rocks, so I’m thinking something must have gone wrong. I’ll let you know what she says.