Dancingvioletdesigns.com has some free Christmas Designs that are worth a mention as they are firstly free, and secondly great little projects that won’t take up much time.
Christmas Tree Ornament
Round Ornament 1707
Round Ornament 1708
Nativity Figure
Looking for more Christmas Embroidery Patterns? Check these out on Etsy
Who doesn’t love easy and fun Holiday projects?! Toner Plastics is holding a 50% off all orders sale Nov. 3rd and 4th only. Sign up to receive your 50% off promo code and stock up on all your favorite holiday and craft items! http://www.tonercrafts.com
HI , happy new year to all, I am looking for easy and fun crocheted christmas patterns and plastic canvis patterns of all kinds . I would lovve to here from you out there who likes these projects also. any one have patterns they would like to share I sure would love to have them . just send dto my e- mail address or here is my address carol patnode 106 south pacific ave. Iowa Park Texas 76367 thanks have a good day.