SharonB of Pin Tangle blog is sharing the link to a handy, free seed-bead size chart. She says,
If you print it out and keep it handy you will be able to substitute beads in a pattern. It also supplies a few notes on how many of a particular size bead is required to cover an inch which helps you plan your own designs.
Get the details from SharonB’s post. (link no longer valid 1/21/13)
looking for a chart for seed beads. CAN’T SEE ANY CHART HERE ??:????
Hi, Tom! Please follow the link at the bottom of the story to SharonB’s post, which describes and links to the seed-bead chart.
Hi, i’m trying to get this chart, but the link at the bottom doesn’t work? It says not found
Hi, Stephanie! This story was posted September 14, 2009. Links come and go on the web, and this one is no longer valid. You might try doing a web search for “seed bead size chart.” Good luck!