Christie of The Fabric Shopper is still working on her raffle to fund an after-school program for inner-city kids to learn to craft and sew. She says,
I have two main life experiences. Teaching kindergarten for 6 years is the first. Being part of an amazing online crafting and sewing community is the other. I have a dream of bringing those 2 experiences together, using my resources from both.
In the photo above, the building outlined in yellow is the school involved, and the building outlined in blue is the venue that a generous, community-minded couple have offered to share. So far, the raffle has raised only US$95. Please read Christie’s post and consider giving in some way.
Ed. note: Christie neither requested nor compensated this post. I just think her idea rocks.
Thank you so very much for supporting and passing along the info and links to the fundraiser! I am honored and blessed by your kindness! ((hugs))