Susan S of Wisconsin created this block for the Crazy-Quilt Journal Project. My eyes are drawn instantly to the gorgeous organza ribbon flowers at the center, and as they I travel around the block I find one delicious surprise after another: heart-bead tulips, a beaded lace frame for silk-ribbon flowers, a tiny golden butterfly. An exquisite composition masterfully embroidered. Breathtaking. Go to the blog post for an image you can click to enlarge.
Looking for a supplier of Silk Ribbon? We love Etsy for finding hand dyed ribbons as well as imported European silk Embroidery Ribbons. You can see the listings here on Etsy. Why use silk ribbons? While you can use other kinds of ribbon, it’s best to work with silk because It’s lightweight and very fluid and can easily be manipulated into stitches.
I’m not sure if it’s just my computer being nuts or what, but your link is taking me to a different location.
I hate when that happens! Thanks for letting me know, Sarah. The link is fixed now.