I need Push Stitchery: 30 Artists Explore the Boundaries of Stitched Art
. So do you. This new book, edited by our beloved Jamie Chalmers (MrXStitch), isn’t even in bookstores yet. But it’s being reviewed all over the blogosphere. For example, in a post at The Textile Arts Center, Joetta Maue says,
This book features 30 contemporary artists using the needle as their tool of choice. All of the artists utilize embroidery as one of their main mediums of artistic expression. The skill, scale, and approach is incredibly diverse. Keeping with the trends that I have seen many of the artists are working with narrative. Jamie has truly created an invaluable resource to those of us inspired by the stitch. He has managed to put together the best of what is happening in thread all in one book.
And Jimmy McBride of intergalactic transport says,
the quality of people that [Jamie] posts on the site is great, but to be able to see it up close in book form is another experience totally. there are 30 artists featured from all over the world, doing really different, and really amazing stuff with stitching. the blurb on the back says: “blackwork embroidered cities, cross-stitched cars, stitched stone sculptures and more…” for realz.
Both Joetta and Jimmy are among the artists whose work is included in the book, which doubtless explains how they got advance copies. You can preorder a copy from Amazon UK for GBP10.49.
Ed. note: Jamie Chalmers neither requested nor compensated this post. I’ll be standing in line for the book like all of you!
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