Rachel Biel is working hard to raise funds to support a new website for TAFA, The Textile and Fiber Art List. She says,
We’re having TAFA’s first event during the Quilt Show here in Paducah: http://www.tafalist.com/p/tafa-market.html I am hoping to raise enough money during this event to pay for our new website which is going to cost around $5,000. I am donating several of my pieces to an online raffle…There are a couple of things that I made, a couple of ralli quilts, kuba cloths and more. If you know people who like this kind of stuff please forward this link: http://www.tafalist.com/p/tafa-raffle.html
Help Rachel get the new site off the ground, and score some excellent textile arts for yourself at the same time! Go to the TAFA site.
Here is an update on how our event went and on our fundraising efforts for our new website:
Please help spread the word!