Holy mackeroly! Look what Kathy Shaw (Shawkl) made! Her tote, The Queen’s Garden, has such a wealth of exquisite details, it’s no wonder that it took first place in the Crazy Quilter’s International Yahoo Group purse contest for 2010. In fact, Kathy used such a wide variety of techniques to such remarkable effect, the term crazy-quilting seems like too small a word for this work. You’re going to want to examine everything: the stitches that perfectly portray the queen’s hair, and the sumptuous long-and-short stitch of her gown, and the twisted beading that forms the trees, and and and… Go to Shawkl’s blog post to see close-up photos.
[…] Remember this award-winning CQ bag by Shawkl? Kathy is now sharing the secret of how she made her amazing beaded trees! She claims that it’s an easy technique. See the tute. […]