Chloe at Tangled Thread blog is sharing and elaborating on a YouTube video by Leisure Arts designer Kathy Elrod. The gist: Use rubber stamps to create a design, and then stitch it. This idea definitely would work for noncross-stitch hand-embroidery, too. Check out Chloe’s post. And then maybe you should run over to Rayela’s Fiber Focus and nab some vintage textile stamps. What a perfect application for them!
Denise! You are so good to post this! There are still plenty of stamps left from the batch I posted about in Fiber Focus and I’m working on photos for the next batch. I get a new bag in about 4x a year and it’s just a lot of photographing to get them all up.
It will probably be another week before I start listing them on Etsy and eBay, so if you want the discount, check the website for availability:
All of the ones under the “Newly Photographed” section should be available. I try to clean the sold ones out every couple of days. Thanks a bunch!