Cheryl Fall, editor of’s needlepoint blog, has a new year-long project you’re going to love and want to get in on. Cheryl proposes that you start a needlepoint stitch journal, and she’s supplying the journal pages and instructions to help you along. She says,
There are hundreds of different stitches that can be used in needlepoint, and the start of a new year offers the perfect opportunity to print and stitch your own stitch journal, complete with samples.
As of today [January 3], twelve (12) Needlepoint Stitch Journal Pages are ready, and include several basics such as common tent stitches including Continental, Basketweave and Half-Cross, textured stitches including Scotch, Cross, Mosaic and Hungarian – and a few you may not have tried before, including Smyrna Cross and the two-toned Brighton Stitch. Additional pages will be added regularly.
I’ve also included a Journal Tutorial explaining how to use the stitch journal to its full advantage. The tutorial also includes a fully-prepared journal entry sample for reference.
See Cheryl’s blog post for all the details and get started!
Where can I print out the Needlepoint Stitch Journal pages so I can start one of my own with the stitches that I like. I can’t seem to figure out how to print it out. Thank you, Lenore Lamey