In a flash of genius, Shelly Swanland has coined the concept and term twilts, and she invites you to join in the fun. She says,
I have been exploring the social networking phenomenon partly at my daughter Becky’s encouragement and partly because I believe it’s the direction of the future. Still, it makes my head spin, Blogs, Widgets, Tags, Links, Flickr and Twitter. Where does an aging hippie start? Twitter in particular got my attention. Quick bursts of concise chatter called Tweets exchanged between users…It’s a fascinating concept. I don’t feel ready to jump in just yet but I thought what about using the same concept to do little quilts. Twitter Quilts or Tweet Quilts…….Twilts.
Hey, if you’re a Twitter user, why not twilt your tweets! Find out more.
Many thanks to Anya of Hills Creek Quilter blog for pointing out this find.
Wow Denise,
Thanks so much for promoting my project. I’d rather be twilting but I might need to start tweeting also. Thanks to you and Anya too!!