Jacquie of MafiosaGrrl entered her embroidered rendering of the spitting gargoyle of Notre Dame in her county fair. It didn’t win. Jacquie, please don’t start embroidering geese in bonnets! Just get your art to a more suitable venue. We’ll all be watching for it to pop up in a gallery. In the meantime, you can see detailed photos at Jacquie’s blog post.
Shame on you for saying the county fair is not a good venue. You are only seeing her work. You have no idea about the work that was compaired to this piece. We just finished our county fair here and the judging for each and every ribbon is taken very seriously. Just because a piece doesn’t win doesn’t say it’s not good. It only says someone else’s was better. The point of a county fair is to show off the skills of the county and to get people together. If you don’t win, maybe you can learn a new skill or technique from someone else and they can learn from you. For you to dismiss the venue out of hand was just wrong.
All excellent points, GD. I should not have made assumptions about Jacquie’s county fair. I’ll admit that my experience comes from a county in which only patriotic and “country” themed work, usually from kits or purchased patterns, seemed to stand a chance of winning. On the other hand, the work displayed at our state fair is often original and artistic; and, since the entrants are the winners from the county fairs, my county may not have been representative. I only meant that not winning a ribbon at the county fair should not discourage her from continuing to pursue avenues for displaying her work that may be more rewarding.
I just think this gargoyle is so awesome! Wherever it’s displayed, I’m sure it gets the appreciation it deserves!
I didn’t see this post as negative towards county fair work. It’s too bad people have to pull negative things out of this blog all the time. Love this work so much!!!
“Just because a piece doesn’t win doesn’t say it’s not good. It only says someone else’s was better.” It does not always say that another piece was better. It often means the judges liked another piece more. There is plenty of room for subjectivity in the rules at county and state fairs.