Just got this excellent news from Karline of UT:
Urban Threads has released a new free design perfect for spooky and bookish types, in honor of horror master H.P. Lovecraft’s 119th birthday on Thursday, Aug. 20! A line from a Lovecraft story, “Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places,” curls around a stack of books as the spectre of Cthulhu lurks in the background. This darkly imaginative design is available in machine embroidery, hand embroidery, and digital stock art formats, and is free through Aug. 31.
love this image, i am thinking of using the general idea for a tattoo. If this is fine with you, is there anywhere to find a larger image? to help with redesigning.
Ant, this Urban Threads design is available as line art, which can be sized as you see fit. Please go to the Urban Threads site (linked in the story) to get the design.