Lakshmi of Hand Embroidery from Sadalas is showering us with wonderful hand-embroidery tutorials. She has put together several new videos on French knots, ring knots, and Lavangam work.
She also introduces us to a clever technique for making evenly stitched turkey work. So smart! Lakshmi’s first post describes her base fabric as “matty cloth” and her tool as a “plastic tongue cleaner.” I asked her for some alternatives that might work for readers in other parts of the world, and she kindly posted again with more advice and invited her readers to offer suggestions. One reader commented that “matty cloth” is what many of us know as “aida.” I think Lakshmi’s technique would work with many kinds of evenweave fabric. As for the tongue cleaners…you can see from Lakshmi’s photos that they are thin strips of plastic, almost like tape. I think a popsicle or craft stick would work. Maybe even a pencil. What do you think? Go see Lakshmi’s turkey-work tutorial and then please post a comment about how her technique could be adapted to locally available materials. Thanks so much for these great resources, Lakshmi!
Respected Madam, Please send the technics of aari work
very nice beautiful ilike this
I have seen this technique used on old wool quilts. It is not necessary to have an even-weave fabric.
The quilts were decorated with flower shapes in Turkey stitch, made by stitching over a tin template, something like a cookie cutter.