In case you can’t easily see the details in the image above, this week’s giveaway winners are
- Birdcage pillow kit, #13 of 51 comments, jessica p
- Molly doll kit, #61 of 218 comments, Nancy
- The Beaded Edge, #15 of 97 comments, Sylvia
- Tweet baby outfit kit, #8 of 47 comments, Muireann
- Deer stocking kit, #165 of 214 comments, Christina Alvarez
- Love Stitching, #91 of 98 comments, Mary
- Red bird pillow kit, #20 of 138 comments, Sasha
Winners, I’ve sent you an email notice. Please reply by the deadline with your shipping address. Any prizes not claimed by the deadline are subject to redraw.
Congratulations, everybody! And keep entering. Remember, there’s a new giveaway every day this month.
Wow, your projects and website are truly inspiring — especially for a gal like me who is just about to graduate from “kits” to projects from scratch! Does it count if I’m still getting patterns and ideas from sites like yours? …Maybe someday, I will have some examples of my own creativity. 🙂
Muchas felicidades a todas!!! 🙂
Congrats to the winners!
Johana – it totally counts.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners!
Wish it was me, but lucky winners!